Friday, May 1, 2009

Home Corned Beef

Fresh meat generally spoils after a few days without refrigeration or some kind of preservation. However we lay our meat in a salt brine for several weeks and it can be stored much longer. This process, known as corning, allowed us, to maintain a supply of edible meat throughout the cold months of winter.

4 quarts warm water

2 cups kosher salt

¼ cup sugar

2 tablespoons pickling spice

1 teaspoon salt peter (optional)

5 pounds fresh beef brisket

2 onions, sliced

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 bay leaves

6 whole cloves

In a large non-reactive pot, whisk together the warm water, salt, sugar, pickling spice, and salt peter (if used) until the salt has dissolved. Place the brisket in the brine and weigh down with a plate. The beef must be completely submerged at all time. Cover the pot and refrigerate for 3 weeks. Turn the brisket every 5 days.

After 3 weeks remove the brisket from the brine and rinse well. Discard the brine. The corned beef is now ready to be cooked.

Remove the corned beef from the brine and rinse thoroughly. Place the corned beef in a large pot and barely cover with water. Add the onions, garlic, bay leaves, and cloves. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low, cover pot, and simmer for 2 ½ hours, or until very tender. To serve, slice the meat across the grain.

Serves 8 to 10


  1. Great job with your recipes! Again, you have made me hungry. I will have to try this one out. Keep up the good work!


  2. mo! maybe take down the black stuff it looks good but i cant read anything
    the corned beef looks yummy

  3. Morgan, I just read over your substantial food journal. As I read, I noticed the great care you took at the beginning of each entry to introduce your recipe or list. Well done. You have spent lots of time here and it shows. I am sorry my previous comments somehow got lost. Maybe they fell off the boat in the rapids. Regardless, keep up the fine observation and accounting for the food along the trail. Also, thank you for that marvelous lemon meringue pie we had back down the river.
    Pay so far: $A-
    PS. Please remove WORD VERIFICATION.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. thank you but what is word verification and secondly what can i do to make it an A. My mom and i are thinking about making the corn beef but it is pricey, messy, and time consuming. I hope i can find some time to make at least one more recipe but if not i wish that you will understand, and i hope it doesn't affect my grade.
