Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cooked Greens with bacon and Vinegar

November 7th 1805
Ingredients Equipment

• 10 cups fresh



mustard greens,

Swiss chard)

• 5 slices bacon

• 1 tablespoon

raspberry or

cider vinegar

• dry-ingredient

measuring cups

• large bowl

• cutting board

• sharp knife

• Dutch oven or

large saucepan

• spatula

• paper towel

• clean coffee can

• measuring

spoons 7. Sprinkle with bacon pieces and 1

tablespoon vinegar. Serve



1. Wash greens. Remove any tough


2. Tear greens into medium-sized pieces.

Toss together in bowl.

3. Cut bacon into 1-inch pieces.

4. In Dutch oven or saucepan, cook

bacon until crisp. Place bacon on

paper towel to cool.

5. Pour bacon fat into coffee can. Spoon

2 tablespoons of bacon fat into Dutch

oven or saucepan.

6. Add greens to Dutch oven or

saucepan. Cook over medium heat 6

to 8 minutes or until the greens have

wilted and are tender.

7. Sprinkle with bacon pieces and 1

tablespoon vinegar. Serve



  1. Morgan, you are making me hungry. Delicious recipes and drooly good pictures. As hungry as they make me, I am trying to connect them somehow with being on the trail with either the Corps of Discovery (Seaman and the gang) or the Corps of ReDiscovery 02. If you would use dates and put a little opening paragraph telling where and when you might eat such delicacies, it would show how these tie in with what we are studying and discovering. Without such a lead in, they are (just) delicious. Some of the ingredients and some of the words don't seem possible in 1805, but would be possible in 2002.

    $B (if you date them and describe them, I will reconsider your pay)
