Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Camp Wood, Near St. Louis May 14th 1804

When we set out for our expedition we had to bring many things from socks and underwear to big coats and lots of equipment and supplies for along the way. Some of things we brought for our journey was lots of stuff bags for food, sheets of oiled linen for tents, a small pharmacy of medicines, clothing for each member, flour, biscuits, salt pork, coffee, sugar, salt, dried apples, condensed soup, a supply of tobacco, whisky, lead canisters to keep gun powder dry, mosquito netting, rifle flints, soap, fishing tackle, and tools of every kind. We had promised Mr. Jefferson we would write in journals so we had to bring writing paper, ink, and inkwells. In order to find our way around we needed a compass, a chronometer, a pocket telescope, a quadrant, a magnet, pole chains for surveying, a sextant, and many thermometers. We also needed beads, pewter mirrors, twists of tobacco, ribbons, handkerchiefs, tomahawks, ruffled shirts, scissors, vermilion, moccasin awls, many different kinds of fish hooks, and lots of different sized sewing needles.

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